This barrel isn't quite as wide as its tip barrel and is the same color as other Chiller indicators. This is the first X-K-X boss, surpassing even EK-X and TK-X. The tanks were way weaker than current basic in. The Fallen Booster invented teaming , for example)They were killed, though. The Auto-Basic is a Tier 2 Tank upgrading from the Basic at level 15. The Mechanic has a wide pillbox launcher, consisting of 3 segments and a trapezoid cap, like the Engineer. Its size was changed multiple times. There are three potencies of Chill effect; Nitrogen's is the strongest. . The HF-61 is a TESTBED boss that was added on an unknown date. Rune is a deep red. Candidate for deletion. The Machine Gun is a Tier 2 Tank that upgrades from the Basic at level 15. The back of the boss appears as a simple Square. Rogue Palisade launches black traps, that have low health, but. This entity is not accessible in game normally. io. And 1 Black Triangle. Blitzkrieg's main bullets cross each other at close range, thus giving the boss. Like the Subway it branches from, its front gun only responds to altfire. Boss Rush is a game mode that was added to Woomy-Arras. Unlike most dev events, players may not use Testbed Misc. To use this chat command, the command has to be enabled in the server and you must be a Warg. Its bullets are. The middle shell is a nonagon, with a missile launcher on each. Spitfire's main barrel acts pretty much identically to. It features two to four teams fighting each other in a randomly generated maze. They. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Follow Us. Instead of bullets, the Launcher fires missiles that act like bullets with a gun on their back. The front of the AWP-24 looks like a Trapezoid made out of triangles. Jump Smasher Iron This tank is named after the Pokemon move of the. So I added the Woomy Arras. (Idea by Fallen TankMaker) Now the bosses they were added before are spawning on the map!A well used, evidence backed, proven against the test of time, and just plainly a great strategy for winning Boss Rush in 10 minutes. It is unknown who suggested the first boss, but Rodrigo. Asteroid is a boss that was added on July 13, 2020. The boss of the Sanctuary in Woomy-Arras. io Wiki NOTICE: if you are making pages about fanon content, please create a userpage instead of a main wiki page. Flare-Shot is a Tier 5 Tank that upgrades from Shotgun and Flare Gun at level 60. Splitter Hexagon was added into the game on 03/20/2020, along with trapezoid crashers. io, that spawn randomly upon. The Dominator also. More woomy-arras. The Launcher has a circular body and a large gun in front. Similar to other Borer branches, it boasts solid reload, range and bullet stats. This is how others see you. The Launcher is a Tier 3 tank that upgrades from the Pounder at level 30. In Arras. ) woomy-arras. DavidDidNotDieYet. 탱크가 무려 1900개 가 넘으며 [10], 퀄리티가 높은 탱크들도 간간이 업데이트가 되며 게임 내의 보스를 소형화시킨 탱크도 존재한다. io. io & Arras. The Carbonfras is a boss that was added on November 3, 2019/2020. The bar is always behind the Health Bar. io Fan game opened a brand new game mode: Sandbox Mode!––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Press. The Spawner is a minion tank that controls Minions instead of shooting bullets. Elite Basic is a boss that was added to woomy-arras. . io Wiki. Conquistador has a dark blue pentadecagon base. Constructionist is essentially a heavily buffed factory: with the addition of auto-turret. On each side of the Cutter, Boomer turret is located. Bosses that have been removed, such as Boris the Ghost Butler or Titanititan, cannot be considered for this list. Pentagon variants include Green Pentagon, Orange Pentagon, Beta Pentagon and Alpha Pentagon. In the center of its base, Elite Defender has three. Tera Trapper has a Giga Trapper Barrel, but way longer and wider. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Go play FFA and break a world record, as. It gains another, non-tapering bullet barrel extending from its Pyro barrel. On 1 June 2020 the assassin barrel was found to shoot traps and was patched. They have exclusive access to the BT Token, which is confidential and will never be displayed on the Woomy-Arras. Overall,. Promenader fires missiles similar to those of the. io exclusive to Arms Race. The Inoculist features a circular body with 4 Golden drone spawners similar to the Battle Pod. Also, you may get regular score, but it won't show on the leaderboard. The new Mini Asteroid design features a circular body with a turret on top. io equivalent, see Arena Closer. There are over 1800 tanks in Woomy Arras io, with more being added regularly. The Saboten is a Tier 5 tank that upgrades from Akafuji at level 60. " Status: - Playable - Tier: 5 (max) Birdshot (tier 4) ← Wildfowler (tier 5) → (nothing) The wildfowler is a tank that upgrades. There are 11 known variants, with more announced for future updates. The Dreadnought controls 8 normal drones and a handful of Swarm Drones. Its extinctionist turret fires fast. io! With over 2000 pages of rich in-game and fan-created content and a thriving community, you’ll never get bored. io, but with 1,000 new tanks added to it, as well as the Bosses getting considerably buffed. The Uzi's design is similar to Minigun, except that it hasn't a third barrel. ArrasVeryMoe. The Submarine is the same as the Cruiser but with a gap in the middle and the reverse spawners on an angle. io! Today, we are playing Boss Rush, and we lose. Those missiles are weak, but. The Flare-Shot retains the base of the Shotgun but its firing barrel becomes much thinner, reflecting Inferno's thin barrel. 1. Like most servers, the server restarts every 8 hours. The moment you spawn, check the leaderboard. The Packer's traps have three small decorative traps on top of them that are turret gray in color. Hey Everyone! Sorry for no uploads. At a certain point, Golden Eggs were orange because Golden Sanctuary was a Burnt Sanctuary. io wiki! You can help us by making an edit today. Low Graphics. Asteroid has a black circle base, with a Mortar turret on top. PS3_33 is one of the only bosses to have a different leaderboard and defeat message name. The main focus of its branch is the auto-turret on the top of the tank. The EK-0 is a tier 5 tank that upgrades from the Auto-Auto-3 at level 60. Separate Shield Bar. The OBP-2 & OBP-3 share the exact same turret. On two sides of base two twin turrets are attached by a rectangular section. 2,820,788. The Morningstar has a Chevronic-Hexagon shape (or this approximately: "M 0. All bosses from the Tale of Diep and Extended Tale of Diep can be considered for this list. Varp is a strange-looking ten-sided polygon with a concavity in the back. IO elite bosses to Scenexe. As its design indicates, the Clacker fires stacked bursts of Traps. It is spawned from Neutron Star when killed Quasar has. The tank looks very similar to the Colonist, but its decorative barrel has 2 more added to its end. It also has a slightly modified factory spawner in front. Arras. Category:Arras Arms Race Tier 4 Tanks. The Gun-Ship is a tier 4 tank that upgrades from the Cruiser. Tetrafras. They are wide enough to overlap at the bases so the barrels at the front and back are layered above the ones on. Small Tanks. The Packer operates pretty much identically to Trapper,. There are numerous variants of pentagons, all are equal or stronger. io. The Promenader is a Tier 4 Tank branching from the Mega Trapper and the Launcher at level 45. The Gatling Gun has a circular base and a trapezoidal barrel like the Machine Gun but longer like the Sniper's. This article is for the fanmade expansion of Arras. Going clockwise,Abomination is a combination of the Minishot, Pounder, Inceptioner, Trapper, Subduer, Sniper and Mini Grower. Elite Skimmer moves at a low speed and slowly. They also spawn in the Pentagon Nest frequently. The future of arras-mayhem. The Ceptionist has a circular body with a rectangular barrel and a darker circular turret with a darker rectangular barrel on top of the body. io Wiki NOTICE: if you are making pages about fanon content, please create a userpage instead of a main wiki page. The Tetrator is a Tier 5 Tank that upgrades from Exponentiator, Battleship and Battle Pod at level 60. io! This is an Arras server. At the front is a Pelleter barrel with another plain-looking barrel off to the left of it. On that circle there are seven trapper turrets and looks like a Trapper-7. Only simulations and. Due to a series of events, it moved to a completely new domain through two site transfers. A Splitter Hexagon is a Splitter Shape that spawns two Trapezoid Crashers upon death. It has a hexagonal turret which has six turrets on each edge of the hexagon, it also has four assassin turrets on the upper edge. The swarm barrels look identical to Colonist's swarm barrels. Leadbear595x4. User ThuliumThe69thElement will be submitting custom tanks under Ideas and Non-Tanks to the discord for approval. The event featured endless domination with four dominators and near-constant waves of bosses. It's hard to believe that arras-mayhem is 2 and a half years old now! Thank you all for the experiences! Heroku, the hosting provider for the servers is ceasing their free plan by the end of November 2022, which means that arras-mayhem will go down with it. io, the game that Woomy originated from. io, the fan-made sequel to diep. Added 4 new tanks, thanks to XK#2343 and 3066350#9214 for the code! Level up and gain score by shooting at other players and bosses while keeping yourself alive! Play the game at Mini-Boss Tanks. It's reload has a small delay and can still produce drones while invisible. The Vanguard is a Nest Defender boss that was added with the release of the game. The Wasteland is a Tier 5 Tank branching from the Radiator at level 60. io, as well as in Woomy Arras. It has a Rifle Cannon along with a Spawner mounted onto the back of the tank. Its rear barrels look like Tri-Angle's, but with an additional barrel between them layered on top of them. The Surge's main bullet has the. User ThuliumThe69thElement will be submitting custom tanks under Ideas and Non-Tanks to the discord for approval. io, previously Woomy-Arras. io, itself a fan-made sequel of Diep. Eternals are Celestials with four shells, and Primordials are Celestials with 5 shells. . See Woomy-arras. I click the link, and it is disconnected every single time. io and arras. io Wiki. It comes in 8 types and can be converted to teams to win matches. If you do not want your custom tank to be submitted, please clarify that on this page after your name. Agrarian is a Tier 5 Tank that upgrades from Cicada, Tri-Hewn Pelleter and Flank Naturalist at level 60. It is notable for crashing the server upon spawning. They. TK-4 was added to the game on July 17, 2018, the next day. io/Arras. Arras. Redistributor is a tier 5 tank upgrading from Oscilloscope, Annihilator and Stablizer at level 60. In the old Surge. It has minion spawners at each side of the base which is coloured blue to indicate the freezing effect the minions have. : Tiers (Woomy) A screenshot of the class tree in the game, which shows off the immense amount of tanks in each tier. The Elite Defender is a boss that was added on September 20, 2019. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. . It also has some decorative spikes on the back going in a white-yellow color order. Options: Classic Diep Light Colors Dark Colors Natural Soft Borders Dark Borders No Borders Neon Mode. Array features 2 sets of rectangular barrels with slightly slanted caps: 2 on the left angled from each other and angled from the 2 on the right, which are also angled from each other. Tetraplex. Currently, it is on the TESTBED bosses branch, mainly due to the fact of how OP it is, but it is spawnable on boss rush. io Wiki! Feel free to join us to contribute; everyone is free to edit. It is made even longer and is now slightly wider than the tank body itself. It also gains Inferno's signature trapezoid decoration off to the right, but it is layered under the base making it partially hidden. 2. It comes in many normal tank variants as well as some TESTBED variants. This includes such entities as the sanctuaries, the Xyv Wdtcfgzsezgk, the rather cryptic Hemispheres, and the evolution of shapes. Hey, it's me, umineko, the developer of arras-mayhem. Reanimated Bosses 7. Rune is a Celestial boss that was added on 31 May 2021. Golden Egg is about 10 times larger than a. Body Damage: 500. The other such bosses are Hexaswarmer, S2_22 and possibly. The minion has 3. The Philosopherception is a Testbed Misc tank. Arras. The TK-X (Triangle King-X) series of bosses based on the Triangle. It does not have. Tale of Diep. The Airtag is a Tier 5 Tank branching from Software and Guided Spawner at level 60. Each of the Celestial’s names appear to be based off various fictional, mythological or religious symbols. On the corners of its base, Carbonfras has. woomy-arras. Some bosses are too strong or too complex to be released. . Ophiucus, has 4 Sidewinder turrets plus one of each of the other 4 Arras classic Launchers (Skimmer, Twister, Swarmer and Rocketeer) Their spawn message is “When constellations reform…”. Update. Its barrel is a bit shorter than the Destroyer's and looks to be about the same length as the Pounder's. Elite Basic has a pink triangle base with a Single turret on top. The Mechanic can. Boss Rush is a gamemode where there are 2 teams: Blue (ta. Not to be confused with the Dynamo, whose Engineer gun gains Machine Gun properties rather than its turrets. Its stats are similar to the Battle Pod. The. The. EK-1 can spawn from the death of Egg Sanctuary. Previously known…. It has an auto-turret on top of its base, and two auto-turrets on its sides. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Follow Us. The Annihilator is a Tier 4 Tank that upgrades from the Destroyer at level 45. Elite Sprayer has a pink triangular base with three auto-Sprayer turrets on each side. Unlike most dev events, players may not use Testbed Misc. Vis Ultima 13. It is present with several tanks and shapes, and even on a few hostile shapes and bosses. Dreadnoughts are a tank type exclusive to the game modes Forge, Labyrinth, and Dreadnoughts. Spitfire is a Tier 5 Tank that upgrades from Pyro and Splasher at level 60. Array shoots triangular missiles that home in on enemies. The tank assumes the size, characteristics, and. Welcome to the woomy-arras. Ctrl + Scroll Wheel to adjust zoom (limited in some browsers). Ribbon Piercer Use your Borer. The bullets have high. Maybe it's because it's a mystical type, so all the names are words related to magic. This game mode supports both Maze and no-Maze. Minions are controlled similarly to drones, but stay a certain distance from their target instead of. The Incognito's main perk is that all AI completely ignores it. io, the fan-made sequel to diep. Varp is an in-game Sentry that controls up to four large drones. It is on the TESTBED Bosses branch. 1. 1,074,648. Its rear swarm gun remains unchanged. For the game it's based off of, see Arras:Tiers. It is also. Dropship is a strong, white boss that holds the record for most 10 million scores on the leaderboard at once and is also extremely powerful. The tank looks like the Philosopher but with another, smaller Philosopher turret on top of it. io on 21 August 2020. I'm doing this later lel. Cutter has a pink, pentagon base with a large Rebounder turret on top. io that upgrades from Slasher at Level 60. Its Sidewinder barrel has fast bullet speed, high penetration, and high damage, and it is fired at a hard rate. "Eye" has the shape of a black circle and a yellow circle inside that is offset towards the front. io, Custom Shape Builder for Private Server, and a Custom Theme Maker. The Spawner has a circular body with a three-section minion spawner in front. The purpose of Arena Closers is, as their name implies, to close the server; players. The Bowed Sanctuary is a semi-hostile Sanctuary that spawns strong squares. Elite Borer has a pink triangular base with a Pounder auto-turret on top, Borer turret in front, and very short Machine Gun thruster at back. io Wiki; Fanon. Although its design is very similar, it operates a bit differently. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. io. Woomy. The Gunship is a nest defender boss that was added on December 26, 2018. Remember to check what links here and the page history before deletion. Each of them attacks by launching a figure that symbolizes them. The Submarine is a tier 4 tank that upgrades from the Cruiser at level 45. The Gust's design is similar to the Ascender's but fires like the Vulcan with slightly bigger bullets. io equivalents, see Green Square, Green Triangle, and Green Pentagon. It slowly spawns large, slow drones that deal massive. Its 2 secondary ones bullets and it's auto cannon fires medium bullets, similar to Lumberjack. PS3_33 is one of the only bosses to have a different leaderboard and defeat message name. Boss Rush is a gamemode where there are 2 teams: Blue (ta. You can manage Classic Traps (Diep. The Fueron is a Boss that is OP Fueron has a redish Mega Crusher base. Morningstar is a Boss that was added sometime before July 7th 2023. Sandbox is one of the Arras Game Modes, added in January 1st, 2021. This shape is the only way for the Trapezoid Crasher to spawn. io Arena Closer. Bow is a special boss that was added with the release of the game. Vanguard has a Trapper cannon at the back. Upon its destruction it will spawn 2 trapezoid crashers. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. On its rear-left side, it has a rotating Tri. The tiers of OBP-X are blantly OP (Some are not) and could take lots of players to kill it. io. Play at | 11599 members. woomy-arras. The missiles constantly spawn new ones whist. (Idea by Fallen TankMaker) Added Witch, upgrade from magician. The Annexer's bullets are very small, fast, and damaging, but do not have. 55 L -1 1 Z"), and is cyan in color. The Decimator is a Tier 5 Tank that upgrades from the Triple Twin, the Flank Pounder and the Knocker at level 60. It also has an Auto Turret mounted on the top of its body. The Crusader is a Tier 5 Beta Tank found in the beta tanks page that will supposedly upgrade from the Fighter, due to it's appearance, &/or the Chiller or Acid, based on abilities. Eventually, more stuff will spawn as well, like Sentries and Bosses. Its body is a truncated square with a circular hole on top. These tanks are used to fight other players, kill polygons and AI, and fight bosses. Asteroid has four turrets attached to its body, each turret has a Twin auto-turret and five swarm drone launchers. They can be rammers, shooters, drone controllers or tanks that can wield more than one weapon, though not many are known to be rammers. Warning: This Page Is Based On The New Restored Woomy Arras, Not The Old One. The Orbital Strike shoots beams. The barrels. It is smaller than most other tanks. Its bullets are also. AWP-1 has a yellow square base with Mega Swarmer auto-turret in one corner and Smotherer auto-turret in the opposite corner of the base. Tier 2 Tanks; Tier 3 Tanks; Tier 4 Tanks; Tier 5 Tanks; Tier 6 Tanks; Bosses. The EK-0 has stats very similar to the Auto-Auto-3. 8 million. The Cactus looks identical to the Ribbon with the addition of a Hivemind-style dark ring around its body. io beta tanks test and woomy arras. io. It is further set apart by having not. Fallen Booster has a gray circular base with one front gun, and four thruster guns at its rear. The MK-X (MarK-X) series of bosses based on the Square. Beekeeper - Branches off Artillery. When no player is nearby, Asteroid will act as a strong Octo Tank. Woomy Arras. The Crustacean| has a design similar to the Insect, with the only difference is that its main barrels are replaced with Mega Trapper barrels. Elite Skimmer has an orange triangle base, with three auto-skimmer turrets on each side of the base. It is a variant of the Giant Egg, and can only be spawned by a Golden Sanctuary. This is the article for the Arras. It has one Hypercannon, which instantly kills anything and has the fastest rate of travel of any. io. This page is about tanks that are overpowered. The server quickly gained popularity and prestige, before a series of bad developers and improper management caused the game to be deleted at least twice and the original. Leviathan has low health and speed and always spins. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The Arras is obviously named after Arras. The Auto-Basic's body is circular and has a Basic gun. Leviathan has a blue pentagon base with a short Extinctionist auto-turret on top. The older version of this tank had 3 thruster barrels on the back just like Owl and it had a unique pelleter turret on top of the tank and the same turret at the front. Each minion of the. Maplayer is a Tier 5 Tank that upgrades from Steamroller and Freezer at level 60. Summoner, Defender, Pentagoner, and Arena Closer are the only valid options. It features unique swinging arms that block enemy bullets and but little is known about it otherwise. This class adds 3 swarm spawners and 1 more regular drone spawner when upgrading from overseer. Boss Bash 2 : Mutated Flamethrower battle! Boss Bash 3 : See inside. The player can. The Annexer is a Tier 4 tank that branches from the Auto-Machine, the Auto-Pelleter and the Submachine at level 45. This page is about tanks that are overpowered. They are colored yellow. It also has 2 Machine Gun Turrets as well as 2 Swarm. The Ceptionist shoots bullets that resemble miniature Basic tanks as. Undercover Cop. Arms race is the gamemode with the most versions of it, as any gamemode can be a variant of Arms Race. Category:Arras Arms Race Tier 3 Tanks. It is very similar in design to the EK-X, and is just as deadly to players. Army Sentries are special type bosses that were added before the changelogs. Arras. It has incredibly poor reload and a considerable delay before firing but the most durable bullets in the game, capable of one-shotting all. It moves with low speed and shooting powerful, high health and penetration bullets which can easily kill most. Ascended Square was added in a TBA date so we cant confirm much but the earliest mentions of it where in 2023 in the changelogs. Despite being circular minions, the minions summoned by this are controlled like drones,. More woomy-arras. io Wiki. The turret is known as a Centrifuge. EK-1 has existed with the release of the game but has been changed numerous times. They are all controllable by the player. It also has a shortened Pounder barrel that looks similar to the pre-redesign Corroder's barrel layered over its front lance. 516,855. Appearance Options Controls Links. The Arras fires drones that are propelled by the same barrels as Sidewinder missiles. io. It's A Fighter But With Auto Turrets On The Sides. Tiers are assortments of tanks that share the same level-requirement to be upgradable. The Coiffure is a tier 5 tank that upgrades from the Smashception and the Excalibur at level 60. It has 12 smotherer turrets in the center.